
A Couple Quick Rule Updates & Announcements

Hey, all, happy Sunday!

Just a quick announcement on some rule updates and discussions.


First off, we've added a rule to the title guidelines:

Pictures of text (including but not limited to protest signs, chalkboards, billboards, and documents) must be presented with titles which describe who is offering them, where they are being showcased, or why they are noteworthy.

  • Short version, there needs to be enough context in the title to have it follow our rule "Must convey accurate information."


As of this post, we have implemented a bot to help us enforce our previous repost rule, which is now expanded to include some of our top posts, as well. We started with a small number of posts to get a feel for the bot, and may expand how many top posts are netted (particularly "all time" posts).

The new rule:

Reposts of images on the front page, or within the set limit of /r/pics/top, will be removed.

(10A) Reposts of images currently on the front page of /r/Pics will be removed.

(10B) Reposts of the top 25 images this year, and top 50 of "all time" will be removed.


Mod applications will be opening up soon. We had some shifts in the team, and have a few critical time gaps that need particular attention.


To dispel a common myth users like to throw around: r/pics was never a highly curated sub for professional photography. In support of this claim, please see the annual December snapshots I've collected below, from 2008 to 2016.

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

What you'll find in the span of 2008-2011 is a sub with even LESS rules and quality control than we have now. Going back to "what pics used to be" means letting blogs, memes, and even GIFs back into the sub.


Our ultimate goal is to preserve the overall role r/pics has played for Reddit since 2011 (which is when r/reddit.com was locked, and the defaults were established), while at the same time, preventing this (or any future) mod team from having vague or subjective rules that would turn this into a sub of mod preference only, rather than what the users upvote.


With that said, we recognize there's a conversation that needs to take place regarding "Facebook" posts. We've been discussing internally how to go about addressing this, and will likely reach out for user input, as well. Until that's sorted out, we ask that you remember to stick to our civility rule. You can voice your dislike for a post, but attacking OPs or users in the comments (on either side of the discussion at hand) is unnecessary... and ironically, it's exactly as toxic as the comments on Facebook.

Thanks for reading! -(n_r)


/r/pics has mods?


Can we ban hospital pics if its not the person taking the pic? I find it super disrespectful


Am I allowed to repost tinenaman square photo once a month?


Not sure if it's just me or not, but I really dislike how much personal artwork is posted here. I know there's a recent rule about how if you're posting on behalf of the artist, the artist needs to be in the picture, but I don't know if that's the right way to go.

Too often "this thing I made" posts are thinly veiled (if veiled at all) marketing posts by the OP, who happens to make the items to sell, and is trying to drum up business.

Too often it's begging for ego boosting, a la "I'm a disabled veteran with 3 fingers, bipolar disorder and PTSD, is my art good anyways". This isn't deviantart. This is a sub for pictures of all kinds, not pictures where the only point is to showcase one's own artwork. I don't know, just the constant posting of own artwork, or of the artwork of someone that you know is so irritating. At the very least could there be a tag for those posts so that one can filter them out?


Can we PLEASE ban the damn karma whoring pics of “this is my_____ last day on earth, here’s an extremely inappropriate photo of a very private matter.”

There are several subreddits that can help better with it; r/griefsupport r/cancer etc etc.


Just curious as to why you're all so resistant to have a title guideline rule similar to /r/mildlyinteresting:

> 6. Titles must be an exact but concise description of the content a. Titles must not contain jokes, backstory, or other fluff. That information belongs in a follow-up comment. > >b. Titles must exactly describe the content. It should act as a "spoiler" for the image. If your title leaves people surprised at the content within, it breaks the rule!

Is it pride preventing that or what?

Like, this post for example would have to be titled something like "Here's my computer desk and new keyboard" instead of having all that extra nonsense about disabilities.

What is so difficult about just making people describe the image itself?


Still nothing on politics? This sub is going to become insufferable once the election season gears up.


Thanks for the update.

I have found the consistent political content of this sub over the last few months to be tiresome.

Good to know y'all are paying attention to what's going on.


Interesting, I came here awhile back because I thought it was a place to post photographs, I think I posted 1 photo of a early morning/late afternoon pic of a local waterway before I started seeing all the crap that gets posted here.

I get where the mods are trying to come from but just the latest NSFW junk posted in the past few days along has finally tried my patience. I had been taking a break from here but I guess now its final, a clean break.

Good luck to the mods.


I know you said you’re discussing what to do with Facebook posts, but please accelerate this conversation. You already flat-out banned progress pics because there are other subs for those, and similarly there are subs for wedding photos, death photos, etc.


The only thing that bothers me here is the political use of the sub.


Oh right so now you can get permanently banned for more bullshit reasons?

Then be given no chance to appeal the ban. Even though you're a new user. Cool.


Is there a plan to actually answer any questions here or is this just so you can check the box and say, "See, we did a meta post on this stuff, now shut up!"


I know a lot of users like to shit on /r/pics and its mod team for allowing posts a lot of them don't like but you guys have done a great job to counter it such as banning of progress posts due to increase in an influx of them, posting transparency reports and an installation of MEB now which will certainly reduce common reposts. It might come as a surprise but /r/pics is one of my favourite communities and I enjoy lurking here often. I look forward to fill mod app soon.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Not sure if this will get seen, but something must be done about the karma whoring posts. The amount of 100th birthdays, cancer patients, people on their deathbeds, stolen pictures of natural disasters (so many ones about the Australia fires), and bad photosbops are so cringe worthy. There are great pictures on here but they get swallowed up by all the shitty pictures with long, sometimes fake backstories and the people exploiting intimate family moments so that their username can get a couple of seconds of internet fame.


ITT: Ban all pics of everything I hate.




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Is there any plan to bring back progress pics? What is the mod team's open explanation for determining those were too egregious for the sub while AA coins and people in hospital beds are not?
